About Fox-Becker Granite & Memorial Company

Fox-Becker Granite Company has served Connecticut families for over 100 years. Started in 1898 on the South side of Rapallo Avenue, Middletown, Fox-Becker moved to the North side for better access to the rail line. It is now located at 10 Rapallo Avenue, in Middletown, Connecticut, between Main Street and Route 9 in the North End, where it is a landmark with many locals and Wesleyan University fine arts students. The latter find our age old trade fascinating and our 33 feet high on-site derrick a captivating photography subject with an interesting history to its origins! Through commitment to quality, attention to detail and real customer service Fox-Becker continues to provide their customers with fine and fitting memorials. Whether designing a family memorial, an individual memorial or a community memorial you can count on the staff at Fox-Becker to guide you through the process. John B. Sterry, Jr's (President) underlying philosophy behind all jobs at Fox-Becker is "Qualita Prima Di Tutto ~~ Quality Before All Else".

Unfazed by strong competition from younger and smaller memorial companies nearby, Fox-Becker has built a strong reputation as the premier granite memorialist in Middletown over the years. Among its more notable work are memorials designed for the former Governor of Connecticut Chester Bowles, and his wife, at River View Cemetery in Essex; renowned writer & novelist William Manchester, and his wife, at Indian Hill cemetery; former Governor and Legislator of Connecticut William E. Baldwin, at Indian Hill Cemetery; Middlesex Superior Courts dedication signage in memory of William Baldwin; and more recently, the Portland Veterans' Memorial honoring all Portland veterans, dead or alive, for their bravery in the 1st & 2nd World Wars, The Korean, Vietnam & Persian Gulf Wars. The final product now stands on a site at the local Town Hall, symbolizing the year-long labor and dedication put into making this project of almost 1,500 names a reality and permanent reminder.